Mission Statement

To transition the transportation methods of the Main Line towards more equitable, sustainable, and safe means of mobility. The Main Line Greenway hopes to connect neighborhoods, institutions, and citizens with their environs in a whole new way.

What are the benefits of a Greenway?


Reduced Car Speeds

To make car and bike traffic coexist on the road, more speed bumps and traffic calming measures will be put in place for cars. These measures will allow for safe bike transportation along the Greenway as risk of fatality is lowered.

Safe Intersection Crossings

As seen in Portland, Oregon, intersections along their Greenways have been adapted to accommodate bikers and cars. Especially on busy intersections, having improved signage for drivers and bike-specific infrastructure improvements allows for a comfortable, fluid ride.

Less Car Congestion

As the Greenway becomes more utilized, the need for short distance car trips may decrease, leading to less cars on the road throughout the course of a day. This benefits both bicyclists in that there are less threats present on the roads and drivers in having less traffic on their trip.


Lower Noise Pollution

Imagine a car and bike going down a street together in the same direction. Which one would be noisier? Without question the car and it has been shown cars produce a fair amount of it, which has negative impacts on humans and ecosystems.

Improved Community Health

With an opportunity for community members to safely bike, increased physical activity across age groups can take place in a comfortable setting.

Sustainable Mobility

The Greenway presents an opportunity to transform how communities move around, whether it is to work, the grocery store, school, or sports practice. Less reliance on cars leads to less greenhouse gas emissions, thus reducing the Main Line’s footprint.